Wait For You

Feb 13, 2025

I'll sit and wait for you, for as long as you need me to
I'll wait across the room until our eyes meet and a smile I can't control is brought to my cheeks
And I'll wait for the silence after you spill out your worries to tell you it's ok, you can do it
And I'll wait next to my phone, listening for each notification in hopes it's your name that gets shone across the led screen sitting face up beside me
And I'll wait late at night when our time zones are different just so I can tell you good morning before I got to sleep
And I'll wait until I don't think I can wait anymore and then continue waiting for you
And I waited
And waited
Until I didn't want to wait anymore and finally ask you for an answer
And after we talk about it for far to long, tears having been shed but coming to the conclusion that you and me could not be us
That you were not ready for us
I continued to wait
Not on purpose, I didn't cry more than I did when we talked, I didn't beg for you to be here with me, I didn't force you or pressure you, I just waited
And waited
And waited
And lived life, met people
Yet still waited
No matter how many people had come, I had met, dated, kissed
I always came back to you
Until eventually
You came back to me
But not fully
As you and me became almost us
Where I didn't know what was happening
I didn't feel like I was waiting because I had you next to be
I knew I wasn't waiting for you but I still felt like I was waiting
Waiting for something but not something physical, not tangible
More of a thought, a feeling
Waiting for a hope, a word, an action
And I continued waiting and waiting
And waiting
But I still don't know why I was waiting
I have you, that's what I wanted, what I was waiting for in the first place
But I don't have us
I thought if I waiting for you we could leave together as us yet it's still only you and me as I continue to wait
You said your willing to try but I still feel like there is something missing
Like its right place, right person, wrong timeline
But I will still wait
I'll wait to see how it goes
Wait to see if trying will work
Because I hope with all my heart it does
Because loving you always felt so easy, so natural
Like it was meant to be
But it feels like it never will be
But I have waited this long
What's with waiting a little longer
So as we see if you and me can finally become us
I will continue to wait for you