The Script

Nov 5th, 2024

Stick to the script
It tells you what to do
I'll say this
You'll say that
A ping pong of a pleasantries
Always knowing the next move
As it is a pre written conversation
One so structured and secure
Yet so easy to slip
Like walking on the edge of a cliff
No guard rail to help
Only you and your balance
Doing your best to not fall off
But no matter how hard you try
It's hard to stay up
When the wind is always pushing you around
As people are so uncertain
Always trying to throw you off your path
And you can't plan the conversation
If you don't know what they'll say next
“Just move with the conversation” they say
When they don't know how hard that is
As it was something never taught
It has no rules, no specific way
That's why I have a script
Usually filled with observing silence
So I know how you will respond
If I ever have something
I'm not too scared to say