I was always taught to wait my turn to speak
But my turn never came
To only raise your hand if you have a question
Only answer when asked a question
But what happens when I become the one telling who's turn it is
I'm the one who has the answers to the question
How have the roles changed without me being aware
I was never taught to be the leader
Never told how to answer your questions
And you expect me to have all the right answers
When I'm still learning the material myself
You expect me to answer questions that haven't even been asked
Without needing to be asked
But how am I supposed to know the answer
If i don't know what you what to know
And if I don't know what to say I won't speak
And if I don't speak you won't learn
And if I don't learn you have nothing to ask questions off of
And it's a vicious cycle
As I wait for the question
You wait for the answers
Nothing is ever spoken