In A Year

Sept 15, 2024

We are back where we started
A year apart
Same place
New people
Still strangers
So much can change in a year
We met, we laughed, we smiled
We spent so much time together
We learned so much about each other
I learned how to love
I learned I loved you
We had grown so close
You were all I ever wanted
All I ever thought I needed
You helped me grow strong
Become more confident
More happy
When you left, I cried over you
The most I have over anyone
I was hurt
Was it all a lie?
Did you ever truly see me the way you described?
The way I thought I was seen in your eyes
I missed you
I wanted so badly to know if you hurt too
If you missed me as much as I did you
How much I wanted to know why
Why you left
Why now
Why me
How much I wanted to ask
Get answers
Get closure
But that wouldn't be fair to you
Trying you keep you for just a little longer
Trying to piece together what went wrong
Taking out my grief and anger on you
I didn't want to hold you back anymore
I knew you had already moved on
And a wound cant heal
If the thing that caused it is still stuck inside the flesh
So life went on without you
I met new people
I tried new things
Relearning who I was without you
Appreciating the parts of me I still see you in
Parts that would not exist if you had never made a mark on my life
I had found new things to love:
Sunsets, the moon, the stars
Being outside, feeling the wind, taking a breath
I learned to love life
I learned to love myself
And I still thought about you
Remembering our time spent together
Our connection, what we had, what we once were
Knowing it’ll never be what it once was
Finding peace that it’ll never be what it once was
Yet I still wondered how you were doing
What you were doing
And now I find you again
In the same place we first met
Having lived a lifetime in that single year
Having grown and changed into knew people
Reminding myself that you are not the same person you once were
And neither am I
Meeting your familiar face
As a stranger once again
With the bittersweet knowledge that we can never truly restart
Yet happy I get to meet you again
That our paths still cross
And I get to meet the person who I had once loved
Even when you feel like a stranger