Hate You

Jan 22, 2025

I hate you
I hate you because no matter how hard I try
I can't bring myself to truly hate you
You were my sun, my world
I would have done anything for you
Become anyone for you
Because obviously you didn't want me
So who did I have to become for you not to abandon me in a grocery store parking lot
With your only reasoning being "I need to single again"
And even after you left I'm stuck, continuously dealing with your bullshit
Because you have infiltrated yourself into everything I have loved
As I wear a constant reminder around you around my neck
The chain which once bore the ring you had carved for me
Now a chain, a shackle, connected to the thought of you
Even when I want to hate you
And I really want to hate you
I try so hard to hate you
I can't
And whenever I try to tell you I hate you
The only words I have able to muster up
Is thank you
Thank you for everything
Thank you for everything as you have been one of the best things that have happened to me
Including the parts that hurt
Because I would not have learned to heal
If you never caused the wound in the first place
As I have been the happiest I have ever been
Ever since you left
As you were the one who taught me to love myself
Then forced me to do it by leaving me stranded
So no, I don't hate you
I don't think I ever will
But what I can say is thank you
And you're bitch
Both is true